
/ An ISO certified company

Water Storage Pole Barn

Contract No :  W91B4N-11-C-8195
Contract Name : Water Storage Pole Barn
Project Location : Task Force Protector, Bagram AB, Afghanistan
Name of Employer :  Bagram Regional Contracting Center, Bgram AF, Afghanistan AP AE09354
Date of Award :  1-Sep-11
Date of completion of Work :  1-Oct-11
Description of Work:   Provides all labor, materials, specially tools, equipment and transportaion, communication, expertise, supervision and all other items and services as necessary to complete the rquirement decribed in the Statement of Work and Drawings.Performed to the standards in the contract with eegards to contructing a complete and usable Water Storage Pole Barn. All electrical work shall be performed by NEC certified electrician.

Category Septic and Water Supply

Date 18 April 2017

Water Storage Pole Barn